Evolution of the Computer
By now you would have understood that computers assist us in converting data into information. Even though at present, there are automated computer systems, the computer too has undergone a similar evolution process as human beings and has reached the advanced stage today.
The computer was born with the attempt to make an adding machine. In order to perform addition of numbers, a device called Abacus was invented around 5000 ago.
In due course many new inventions were made.
The followings are few of them:

• In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented a machine called the Adding Machine. This was the world’s first ever mathematical machine.
• In 1674, Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz improved the machine invented by Pascal. With these improvements the machine was able to perform multiplication and division too.
• A French Scientist named Joseph Jacquard invented a mechanical loom using Punch Card System.
• Charles Babbage started to make his Analytical Engine using the Punch Card System concept. This machine was based on the concepts input, process, output and store since this concept helped in the development of the computer, Charles Babbage is called the father of computing.
• Madam Ada Augusta Lovelace is considered as the first programmer since she tried to write programmes for the Analytical Engine.
• In the year 1944, a man named Howard Aiken invented the machine called Automatic Sequence Control Calculator at the Harvard University with the assistance of his companions and IBM Company. This was named MARK 1.
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