How to Learn PowerPoint Quickly (Complete Beginner's Guide)

What's the best way to get up to speed with a new app? When you open Microsoft PowerPoint for the first time, you quickly realize that there are many features and tools. But, it can feel overwhelming to know where to start.

In this tutorial, I'll help you get up and running in Microsoft PowerPoint. You'll learn how to use PowerPoint to build a presentation in less time than you ever thought possible. We'll also cover some PowerPoint best practices to make sure you're doing things the easy way.

What Is PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is undoubtedly the most popular app used to give presentations. You're likely to see PowerPoint presentations used for everything from the world's largest companies to grade school teachers sharing lessons.

PowerPoint is often the butt of the joke. Many decry PowerPoint as boring and a crutch for poorly-prepared speakers.

Only a bad carpenter blames the tools. And like any tool, PowerPoint is incredibly useful when used properly. You can use it as an aid on your speaking engagements to build comfort and drive points visually with your audience.

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